Welcome to join us
Oxford Global Society (OXGS) is an Oxford-based non-partisan think tank focusing on contemporary issues of global interest and importance. In a politicized and polarized world, we aim to transcend ideologies and national boundaries. Our founding members include academics from Oxford University and other universities, and members of research centres, and policy-institutes in the UK and elsewhere.
Our work is structured into four main areas: global politics, global economy, governance and law, and digital technology governance.
We welcome anyone who is interested in one or other of our areas of activity, and has a suitable background, whether as academic or researcher, policy-analyst or expert from industry.
There are several categories of membership: Fellows, Associate Fellows, Research Assistants, and Interns. The categories are not closed and there may be scope for being engaged in other ways.
We welcome indications of interest from around the world, no matter where you are based and at whatever stage in your career. We especially encourage interest from developing countries, and those in the early stages of their career, to participate in our work.
If you are interested in joining us, please send your CV to info@oxgs.org. You may wish to contact our Director or Deputy Director first to discuss your interest.
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.
Oxford Global Society
September 2022