standards, regulations and policies

Report |The Geopolitics of Global Technology Standards: Key Issues and Solutions

This report identified and examined two major causes behind the geopolitical tensions around international standards-setting of CETs: the spill-over effect of US-China rivalry and the trend of trying to incorporate democratic values in standards. It also provides some policy recommendations on how to strengthen international cooperation around CET standards-setting.

Global politics around Russia-Ukrain war

Global perspectives on Russia-Ukraine War: The West vs. The Rest?

This report, co-authored by leading analysts from both the western and non-western worlds, provides different perspectives about the ongoing Ukraine war and global politics more generally. It also analyses some prominent issues arising from the war, such as the principle of respect for sovereignty.

digital surveillance-facial recognition

The era of digital surveillance: Authoritarianism vs. democracy?

Is the “authoritarianism vs. democracy” paradigm useful when it comes to digital surveillance? What are the factors that shape the public’s views about digital surveillance? How to balance the benefits of surveillance technologies and the protection of civil rights? These are the key questions this report tries to answer.

Burma struggles for its future

Burma’s Struggle for the Future

Alan Doss, former Under Secretary General of the UN, provides a historical background of the crisis in Burma and outlines the way to a unified nation.