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OXGS deputy director Jufang Wang

Jufang Wang

Deputy director & Editorial Board member; Email: jufang.wang@oxgs.org

Dr Jufang Wang is deputy director at Oxford Global Society, where she oversees the Digital Technology Cluster among other responsibilities. 

Jufang is a former senior news editor, who worked for CRI (part of China Media Group, China’s single national broadcaster) for over 16 years. At CRI, she held various senior positions including vice director of news of CRI Online and chief correspondent of CRI Mexico Bureau. She published a book about the BBC with China’s leading publisher SDX and over a hundred articles in major Chinese newspapers and websites.

Jufang got her PhD in Media and Communication from Warwick University. Her doctoral thesis examines the implications of digital media platforms for China’s internet governance and public opinion management. She also holds a MSc in Politics and Communication from the LSE and a Master’s degree in International Relations from Peking University. Currently, she is working on a book about China’s public opinion management in the platform era.

Jufang has been an academic visitor at the BBC (2011) and at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford University (2014). She had been engaged as deputy director of the Programme in Platforms, Governance, and Global Society within the Research Cluster Law, Justice and Society at Wolfson College, Oxford University.



Dr Wang’s research concentrates on digital media platforms, platform governance and AI governance, with a particular focus on China and comparative studies. Apart from finalizing a book based on her doctoral thesis, her other current projects include a study on the algorithmic power/bias of the China-based video-sharing platform TikTok and a comparative study on platform content governance between China and the US.

Selected publications


Jufang Wang (forthcoming). Platform Responsibility with Chinese Characteristics. In Bhaskar Chakravorti & Joel P. Trachtman (eds.), Defeating Disinformation: Digital Platform Responsibility, Regulation and Content Moderation on the Global Technological Commons (Cambridge University Press, 2024)

Jufang Wang et al. (2024). Navigating geopolitics in AI governance. Policy report, Oxford Global Society. https://oxgs.org/2024/04/08/oxgs-report-navigating-geopolitics-in-ai-governance/

Claire Milne & Jufang Wang (2022). The Geopolitics of Global Technology Standards: Key Issues and Solutions. Policy Report, Oxford Global Society. http://oxgs.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Report-The-Geopolitics-of-Global-Technology-Standards-Key-Issues-and-Solutions.pdf

Jufang Wang & Denis Galligan (2021). European Policies towards Chinese Tech Companies: European interests, security risks and policy recommendations. Policy Report, Oxford Global Society. http://oxgs.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/OXGS-POLICY-REPORT-European-policy-towards-Chinese-tech-companies.pdf

Jufang Wang (2020). From banning to regulating TikTok: Addressing concerns of national security, privacy, and online harm. Policy report. Oxford: FLJS.

Jufang Wang (2020). Regulation of digital media platforms: The case of China. Policy report. Oxford: FLJS.

Jufang Wang (2013). The Way of the BBC: Core values and global stratigies (BBC之道). SDX Publishing (三联): Beijing.

Jufang Wang (2013). BBC’s Global News Strategy under Tight Funding. TV Research (ISSN 1007-3930). 283(6) pp.76-78.

Jufang Wang & Wanli Yu (2008). The Rise of Fox News Channel and American Conservatism (with W.L. Yu) American Studies Quarterly (ISSN 1002-8986). 88(4) pp.105-117.

Areas of expertise

  • Digital platforms
  • Platform governance
  • Media and public opinion
  • Chinese media/internet