Home > Publications > Video > Event recording | Book Colloquium: Measuring Peace and Related Issues

About the event

The colloquium focused on Professor Richard Caplan’s recent book: Measuring Peace: Principles, Practices, and Politics (OUP). Richard’s book opens with the question: How can we know if the peace that has been established following a civil war is a stable one? The discussion touched on other matters relating to peace, including how to get to peace and the process after peace.

Richard Caplan: Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford. Fellow of Oxford Global Society. His research is concerned principally with international organizations and conflict management.

Christine Bell: Professor of Constitutional Law at Edinburgh University, Co-Director of the Global Justice Academy, and a Fellow of the British Academy. She is the author of: Peace Agreements and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 2000) and On the Law of Peace: Peace Agreements and the Lex Pacificatoria (Oxford University Press, 2008).

Alan Doss: former Director and President of the Kofi Annan Foundation. Prior to joining the Foundation in 2011 he worked for the UN on peacekeeping, development and humanitarian assignments around the world. These assignments included UN peacekeeping appointments as the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Liberia and then in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Alan’s most recent book is A Peacekeeper in Africa: Learning from UN Interventions in Other People’s Wars (Lynne Rienner, 2020).

Denis Galligan, Director of Oxford Global Society, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies Emeritus Oxford University, Professorial Fellow Emeritus Wolfson College Oxford.

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