Katarína Šipulová
OXGS Fellow
She earned her PhD in European Studies at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, and an MSt degree in Socio-Legal Research at the University of Oxford.
Related activities
Regularly taught courses “Human Rights, Democracy and Constitutionalism” and “Transitional Justice and Democratization” at Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University.
Policy and Consultancy Advice and consultation for the Czech Supreme Court, Czech Ministry of Justice, and Slovak Ministry of Finances. Membership in the Committee for Fundamental Rights and Prevention of Discrimination of the Czech Republic’s government Council for Human Rights, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Law and Courts Group in the European Consortium for Political Science. Membership in the ICON-S Interest Group “Informal Institutions” and ICON-S CEE Chapter.
Dr. Šipulová’s research activities are centred on courts, judicial independence, transitional justice and democratization of the Central and Eastern European countries. Her standing research projects include: Courts and informal institutions and European Judicial Resistance.
Selected publications
Between Human Rights and Transitional Justice: Constitutional Courts’ Dilemma in Post-Communist Central Europe. Europe-Asia Studies, 2021, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 101-130 (with Hubert Smekal)
Under Pressure: Building Judicial Resistance to Political Interferences. In: Galligan, Denis (ed.). The Courts and the People: Friend or Foe? (Hart 2021, forthcoming)
How to Fight Court-Packing. Constitutional Studies, 2020, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 133–164 (with David Kosař)
Domestic Judicial Treatment of European Court of Human Rights Case Law: Beyond Compliance. Routledge 2020 (with David Kosař, Jan Petrov, Hubert Smekal, Ladislav Vyhnánek, and Jozef Janovský).
The Czech Constitutional Court: Far away from political influence. In Kálmán Pócza. Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Routledge 2019, 32-60.
Capturing the Judiciary from Inside: The Story of Judicial Self-Governance in Slovakia. German Law Journal, 2019 Vol. 19 No 7, 1741-1768 (with Samuel Spáč and Marína Urbániková)
The Strasbourg Court Meets Abusive Constitutionalism: Baka v. Hungary and the Rule of Law. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 2018, Vol 10 No 1: 83-110.
Ideology and International Human Rights Commitments in Post-communist Regimes: Cases of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Wind, Marlene (eds.) International Courts and Domestic Politics. Cambridge University Press, 2018. (with Jozef Janovský and Hubert Smekal)
DH v Czech Republic Six Years Later: On the Power of an International Human Rights Court to Push through Systemic Change. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 2014, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 288-321 (with Hubert Smekal)
Areas of expertise
- Court-packing
- Implementation of international law (esp. human rights law)
- Judicial governance
- Separation of powers
- Transitional justice and democratisation