SettingsOwnership verification
You are a verified owner
Verification methods used
Google Analytics
Successfully verified
Domain name provider
Successfully verified
Additional verification methods
HTML fileUpload an HTML file to your website
1. Download the file:
2. Upload to:
To stay verified, don't remove the file, even after verification succeeds.
HTML tagAdd a meta tag to your site's homepage
1. Copy the meta tag below, and paste it into your site's homepage. It should go in the <head> section, before the first <body> section.
2. Click Verify below.
To stay verified, don't remove the meta tag, even after verification succeeds.
Google Tag ManagerUse your Google Tag Manager account
1. You must be using the container snippet.
2. You must have the 'publish' permission for the Tag Manager container.
The Google Tag Manager container ID is used only to verify site ownership. No Google Tag Manager data will be accessed.
Ownership verification
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J Wang